Monday 17 December 2018

Prayer4UKToday 18th Dec. 2018

Our Father in heaven Hallowed be Your Name Y@HOVAH TSIDKENU LORD our Righteousness Jer. 23:6 Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven.

Cabinet & Brexit

We pray for the Cabinet as they discuss alternative options for the Brexit deal.

Jehovah-Rohi - The Lord is my Shepherd Ps.23:1

Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd who knows my own sheep by name (John 10:11)." The Lord of the universe knows us personally! We invite You Father God to be our Shepherd over Brexit.

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord our Provider we shall lack nothing Ps. 23: 2

We pray, "Give us this day our daily bread (Mat. 6: 11)," and we ask that You will guide the Cabinet as they consider the various options available to make the right Brexit deal.

Jehovah-Shalom: God our Peace makes us lie down in green pastures. He leads us beside quiet waters. Ps. 23: 3

We thank You Father that You are our Shalom Peace leading the Cabinet as they draw up the right deal.

Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord our Healer restores our souls Ps. 23: 4

We pray for Jehovah-Rapha to heal the hurts, bitterness, control, judgments, differences, separation, wrong priorities, apathy, etc., on both leavers and remainers guiding them to work together for Your Perfect Will to be established.  

Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord our Righteousness guides us in paths of righteousness.  Ps. 23: 5

We ask that Jehovah-Tsidkenu will establish His Righteousness and Justice throughout our Nation.

For His name's sake— Jehovah-M'Kaddesh: The Lord who makes you holy Ps. 23: 6

He says, "I the Lord alone am holy, and I make you holy because you are called by My holy name." We pray that the fear of God will fall upon Theresa May and every member of her Cabinet.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me— Jehovah-Shammah: God who is there Ps. 23:7

Jesus promised His disciples, "I have all authority, and I am always there for you (Mat. 28:19, 20)."

God promised His presence in Exodus 3:12 for leading the children of Israel out of Egypt and in Exodus 33:14 reaffirmed His presence to finish what He began. We ask that You will reveal Yourself to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet assuring them that You are leading us out of the clutches of the EU and You will finish what You have begun. We pray that Your presence with us will dispel all fear and unbelief.

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You can depend on the rod of His protection and the staff of His correction or rescue. Ps. 23:8

We pray for the protection and correction of our Good Shepherd.

You prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies—Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord our Banner of victory. Ps. 23:9

We Praise God that He gives us victory over your enemies and sins, as we depend on the authority of our crucified, resurrected, victorious Redeemer.

You anoint our heads with oil. Ps. 23:10

We thank You for the oil of the Holy Spirit to anoint, appoint to His work, to heal, restore, soothe, cleanse, and give a sign of your fellowship with the Father and His Son. We thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit working in us and through us. Amen

Today’s Advent Reading: Matt. 1:18-25

Please pray and share with your intercessors, Bible Study Groups, Prayer Groups, Church Prayers, Men & Women’s Groups. Thank you.

Las & Arlene Ratnayake

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Our Father in heaven Hallowed be Your Name   YAHOVAH TSIDKENU LORD our Righteousness Jer. 23:6  Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth...