Wednesday 15 August 2018

Prayer4UKToday 16th Aug 2018

Our Father in heaven Hallowed be Your Name ADONAI LORD GOD, Master Gen. 15:2 Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven.

A Call to Prayer Action for the Church July 2018 

[The audio is about 35 mins long. Please spend some time listening to this Call to Prayer. Very important]

We have prayed for years and years about what we should do regarding so many in the church being “asleep” and seemingly oblivious as to what is happening in our nation, and there needs to be an awakening.

We cannot wait for others to wake up; we need to respond now and take action, demonstrate and manifest the Kingdom of God that is within us, by getting involved with some strong resistance and in some cases to speak out against spiritual powers that are hindering the church from coming into its fullness as a body.


The church should be aware of the redemptive calling of itself within our nation. This calling is irrevocable. The nation has been called of God to take the reality of the Kingdom of God out to other nations.

To do this the real Church, (the body of Christ) has to be a voice speaking into the wilderness of empty promises coming from false prophets and apostles, and from the religious spirit that often manifests itself as church. Many methods and other ways of drawing from Father are used when there is only one way, through a living and covenant relationship with the Father, the Son and the person of the Holy Spirit, in honour to our Lord’s prayer in John 17, a perfect unity, - a oneness.

It has been declared and encouraged that we move up to a higher level in our spiritual life in preparation for what is ahead for us. We have to grasp the prophetic view of how Father would see His Son’s body on earth in a year or twos time.

Spending more time with the Lord is always an answer, more prayer is always an answer, more meetings together and more worship can be an answer. But I feel it is something more that has to be added to all of these things.

There has to be a shift, a transition created by the Holy Spirit in answering our deep desire for this preparation for the days to come. We shall not be able to maintain a place of victory without allowing Him to raise the level of our understanding of what is in His heart.

This higher level is ONLY found in a covenant relationship with our Lord and His Father through the revelation from His Holy Spirit. It will be needed to be imparted by encouragement and teaching, allowing the Holy Spirit to give to those who openly desire to enter into a deeper relationship with Him. What I believe He is encouraging us to do is to enter fully into all that He is. 
He desires that we experience what He feels, that we might see what He sees, and do what He would do. He desires us to feel pure and holy as He does, not just some of the time but all of the time. He desires us to know the fullness of His character alive in us. He has said in His word to us, - ‘be you holy as I am holy, be you perfect as I am perfect’. His desire is for us to be just that. My response to those words was, “No way can I be like You Lord”. 

His response to me was, “No you cannot but I can be within you, if you allow Me to be who I am. Know Me in My Holiness, trust in My Holy Spirit within you, relate to Me in My Holiness and enjoy being part of Me, and then you shall experience more of My character and the fullness of My personality of who I AM”.

He said this to me, “You are very aware of the body you live in, so it has to be the same spiritually. Are you living, - being aware of your spiritual life in My Body? Your spirit being alive in MY Spirit in MY Body? 
My Body, like you has healing within itself; it also has an immune system put into place to keep your body and My Body from becoming weak or sick. There is an immune system called Holiness within My Body that you need to experience in order to see the fullness of what you so desire. You also have to feed your body with the correct food for it to maintain itself over the years; likewise I give to My Body on earth My spiritual food to encourage it to be strong. Giving it milk will not sustain it for the days ahead, it needs meat to gain strength and to be fit for the work that I have for you to do. If you desire these things and do these things which flow from within My Body, you will accomplish that which you could not do on your own. I will serve you well and be faithful to your own body as you have been to Mine.
I want you to know real life, live from within Me within you, experience the depths of My life and love within you. Live in an awareness of My Holiness in you, then you will know what miracles are, what true deliverance is and what depths I can go to in healing and in the restoring of your body, and My Body. I want you to know that you are more than just a part of My Body - but an awareness of Me ALIVE in ALL that I AM in you.
There will be a unity born of My Holy Spirit that cannot be found in a worldly “church”. True oneness can only be found in the manifestation of My Kingly rule in My Kingdom that I have placed only in My Body. My kingdom will not manifest outside of My Body. True unity, the Oneness I desire will release My blessing when the fullness of My Word and My Spirit are in harmony within the church.
Therefore this higher level you seek is not made through building relationships through the “church” but through My Body. This higher calling cannot be religiously controlled but led only by My Holy Spirit.
The function of this higher calling is to be a voice speaking from My Body. Worldly people do not listen to churchy people, but they will listen to you as part of My Body because they will see something different in you, because I shall show them that they can trust you. I am proud of your trust for Me.
You cannot work just for the “common good” as the world does - you are to be a voice speaking into the wilderness of people’s lives, gently at first, warning them of the world’s unrighteousness and then showing them the faithfulness of who I AM as they turn to Me and seek My Kingdom way of life.
As you maintain this call, I will reveal to you any vulnerable areas in your life by the gentle conviction of My Holy Spirit. I will also give to you an inner contentment, an assurance and a joy beyond your own ability.
Help others to raise the level of My Life in theirs and you shall see My life increase and the world’s ways decrease even further in your own life”
I personally cannot say how much is of the Lord in this but His presence within me was and still is as close as being a real and active part of me. I trust that that makes sense. My Father loves me as He does you; may He give you clear discernment of what is of Him and what is not. Test it - or maybe just trust Him and try it.
The time is short; there is an urgency for something to be done on a national level.

The voice of the Lord through His body is to cancel stuff from the past and open up the door for the future of the sheep nation to follow His ways and not the humanistic ways of the world in the church.

We believe that there is a strategy born of the Holy Spirit through the word of God that needs to be implemented by those who know that they are of the body of Christ, and understand the biblical view of spiritual warfare. It is time to stand together to fight; against principalities and powers, to take action, as led by the Holy Spirit - removing their nets that have been laid over people ensnaring them, holding them in a false godliness, actually choosing to deny the call of using the authority that God has given them to implement in these end times.

We will need a Gideon’s army of prayer warriors, from prayer organisations and churches to stand together in one place. We will need to repent of our differences brought about by denominationalism, declare that we are representing the body of Christ, recognising our spiritual roots and the call of the body. 
When we stand together as the body of Christ with Jesus as our head, and we are led by His Spirit we can then pull down the controlling nets that are ensnaring the people, - releasing them (removing the veil/net) awakening them from apathy, complacency and sleepiness.

We can then ask the Lord to come upon them with the revelation of His Holy Spirit as to who He is and what He has called them to do, - to rise up and fight against the hindering spirits that are against the preparation of the soon coming Bridegroom. 

We then need to re-educate the people of what it is to live under the new covenant relationship in their Bridal Role, by resisting every wind of doctrine that steals away the purity and the holiness of His Bride to be.

When the lost see the beauty of this Bride, they too will desire to be part of this wonderful creation and seek Him rather than the church as it was.

The time for talking about it and asking the Lord to do it has to cease. It is time that we did what He has already told us to do. He is the captain of the Lord of hosts. He will lead us and guide us as we prepare ourselves for the battle.

He is on the move…calling us into this ONENESS.
‘Tsava’ - service in the tent of meeting - whenever we meet.
We are to protect all that is Holy unto Him, within ourselves, the Real Church and our Nation. His Word is Holy and we have to be the voice to protect all that it is.

The church and the nation need to hear us making our declaration and proclamations.
There needs to be repentance of not having been a voice in the past when He has asked us to be. In covenant relationship we all have the same calling.

His enemies are our enemies and our enemies are His enemies.
His people are our people and our people are His people.
Are you willing to speak as a watchman - to stick your head above the parapet?
Are you willing to speak out where you have not done so in the past?
Are you willing to speak into the error that has weakened the Church?
Are you willing to correct the false prophets and apostles who are leading the church their way and not His way?
Are you willing to confront ungodliness in favour of Holiness?
If we are not willing, then we can expect Father’s judgement to come swiftly, because we will not have been obedient to His calling.

WE have to listen and obey the call to be His voice. [David Tidy]

100 days of Prayer

Day  12

Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest. Matthew 11:29 (GNT)


God of community, let peace start with me. As I pick up your yoke, clothe me in gentleness and humility, tempered with a little righteous anger. Give me rest from feeling inadequate, so that your peace flows through me, infecting all of my relationships, and building a platform for hope.
[Liz Cam]

Please pray and share with your intercessors, Bible Study Groups, Prayer Groups, Church Prayers, Men & Women’s Groups. Thank you.

Las & Arlene Ratnayake

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