Sunday 28 October 2018

Prayer4UKToday 29th Oct 2018

Our Father in heaven Hallowed be Your Name ‘ADONAI JEHOVAH LORD God Master Gen. 15:2 Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven.

Wealth  29th October 2018

“In the year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property” Leviticus 25:13

We thank You for every purpose and plan You have for the future of the United Kingdom and we praise You that Your plans are for good and not for evil. We declare Your thoughts are not our thoughts or Your ways our ways. In this season when You are shifting nations, we stand as Your Ecclesia and continue to declare, this land will be shaped, positioned and networked in every way according to Your best and highest purpose, that this nation and the nations will be blessed, and we surrender to Your ways.

We thank You for the fullness of the wisdom contained in Your word. Even as we declare the ability to create wealth will rest upon our nation, we speak a spirit of generosity over the land, creating a right distribution of wealth, and a prosperous, enterprising and inclusive society.
We decree and declare as a new generation of businessmen, entrepreneurs, and property owners arise, accumulation for personal gain will be replaced by Kingdom attitudes and Kingdom goals. We decree and declare they will give and not take, share and not withhold, release and not hoard, directed and led by the power of Your Spirit. In the Name of Jesus, we speak Your blessing to all those You have called into the marketplace at this time, that strategies, opportunities and finances will flow freely and righteously to them and through them.

Now, we speak righteousness and honesty into every aspect of financial dealings within our land. Even as policies and budgets are put in place, we decree and declare the finances of this nation will  be stewarded with wisdom and sensitivity, that taxes will be appropriate, needs will be met and  infrastructure funded. We speak peace to the markets, in Jesus Name. Amen

Suzanne Ferrett
Passion for the Nation

100 days of Prayer

Day  86

Nations will not go to war against one another. They won’t even train to fight anymore. Everyone will have their own vine and fig tree. And no one will make them afraid. Micah 4:3-4 (NIRV))


In this vision of peace, tools of war are turned into the means to produce food. The hope is for settled communities where all may feed themselves and flourish. One of the first casualties of war can be the land itself as fields become battle grounds and the rhythm of agriculture is interrupted. Communities move to avoid conflict and food becomes scarce. We see that today as refuges flee worn torn countries. A vision like Micah’s where communities are settled and can provide for themselves, is one we should all strive for. These words of Jesus, ‘I was hungry. And you gave me something to eat … I was a stranger. And you invited me in’ (Matthew 25:35) can challenge us afresh as we look at the world today.

Loving God, we pray for those who are uprooted by war and who seek refuge in another country, or a place that is strange to them. When they feel rootless and alien help them to find refuge in you. May we all value and care for our communities. In Jesus’ name. Amen
[Elizabeth Clark is the National Rural Officer for the United Reformed Church]

Please pray and share with your intercessors, Bible Study Groups, Prayer Groups, Church Prayers, Men & Women’s Groups. Thank you.

Las & Arlene Ratnayake

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Our Father in heaven Hallowed be Your Name   YAHOVAH TSIDKENU LORD our Righteousness Jer. 23:6  Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth...